Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Too many things to tell....

We celebrated our first wedding anniversary on Sunday! Here are a couple of pics of our cute little cake we ate (or tried to - despite looking cute, it still tasted like cardboard!).

It's been a little while since our last post, so we have several things to report.

First of all, on the Friday following our ultrasound, we spoke with the doctor about what he saw. Dr. Elder said that everything looked "picture perfect" and that he estimated Baby Lawrence to weigh about 6 1/2 pounds at that point. Right now Dr. Elder is a little concerned that if I go all the way to my due date or beyond that Baby Lawrence will be quite a big boy!

Last Friday we had another appointment, at which time Dr. Elder checked me to see if we had any labor action going on, and we were dilated 1 cm and about 50% effaced. Baby Lawrence was still doing well; his heart beat was still nice and strong, and his movements were good.

On Sunday, we thought our time had finally come. I started having contractions around 6:00 p.m. and I finally timed them around 7:45. At that point, they were five minutes apart and lasting for about 35 seconds. We waited a little while, and when the contractions didn't stop, but only increased in length and strength, we called the doctor on call for my doctor's office, who put me through to the hospital. The nurse there said it definitely sounded like I was having contractions, but to try to stay home for a while and come in once they got longer and closer together. Well, around 11 we timed them again and they were 4 minutes apart and lasting for nearly a minute. They had also increased in strength, reaching a point where they were literally taking my breath away and making it difficult to walk or to stand upright. At that point, we decided to go to the hospital. After checking in, they hooked us up to a fetal monitor and to another monitor to measure my contractions. Sure enough, there they were - right on the screen. However, when the nurse checked, I was still at only 1 cm. So, then it became a waiting game. I sat through 3 hours of contractions, only to find out that nothing was happening! Well, almost nothing. I was still only dilated 1 cm, but I was effaced to nearly 80%. The doctor said to send me home with some Ambien so I could get 8 hours of good, deep sleep and then we would see what happened. When I woke up the next day, the contractions had stopped, leaving me very sore and even more disappointed. So, still no baby, but all signs are pointing to him coming soon. There have been several physical developments that signal labor is on its way, so keep your fingers crossed for us! We are both so very ready to have Baby Lawrence in our arms!

Here is a nice pic of the growing Buddha belly, all shiny with lotion!

Mark took this picture on Sunday when we were packing our things to go to the hospital! So this is my "I thought I was finally going to be a mom" picture.

And this is Mark's "Oh my God, I'm gonna be a dad" pic! Too bad we have more waiting to do!

Monday, July 13, 2009

35 1/2 Week Ultrasound

This is a picture of his left foot.

His "turtle"! Still a boy!

Baby Lawrence in profile

This is a closeup of his face. Right in the middle there is a triangle shape - that is his nose. Below that is a crescent shape - that is his mouth. The white mass that is down and to the left from his nose is his hands.

We had our last ultrasound today. Everything seemed to look good. He is measuring a bit ahead of schedule - 36 weeks and 3 days. His head and body measured close to 37 weeks, but his legs were about 35 weeks. I did not get to see the obstetrician today; I will see him Friday, so at that point he will give me a length and weight estimate and tell me what all of this means.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Clothes for Baby Lawrence

Ok, so we have a ton of baby clothes (thanks to all of our wonderful friends and family, and my awesome cousins in Orlando). But, I saw this and couldn't help myself! This is going to be Baby Lawrence's homecoming outfit. I love it!

34 Weeks

We are 34 weeks today! I had another doctor's appointment this morning. The baby has turned so that his back is to my left now. Up to this point, he seemed to prefer the right side. His head is still down (yay!). When the doctor checked the positioning of his head, he immediately started turning his head to the left and right (ouch!) and flailing his arms and legs. He still does not like for anyone to mess with him - not that I blame him! I can only imagine the fit this guy is going to pitch when he is born and has to be checked out. He seems to get stronger everyday and is still incredibly active. We scheduled another ultrasound for Monday, July 13. At that point, the doctor hopes to give us a more accurate idea of his weight and length so that we can predict what his birth size will be. Right now the doctor says his growth is right on target, so at 34 weeks, a developing baby typically is about 4 1/2 pounds. My next regular appointment in Friday, July 17.