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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Max Rolled Over!

Max will be 12 weeks old on Friday! Last Saturday when I had Max in the floor for some tummy time, he surprised me and Mark by rolling over! Now, it wasn't a full 360 roll, but he did roll from his tummy to his back! We were both very excited! Max seems determined to make sure that both his mommy and his daddy witness as many of his milestones as possible. When I was only about four months pregnant, I was relaxing in a bubble bath, when suddenly Max started kicking. It was the first time that I could feel actual kicks. Mark was in the living room, so I yelled for him to come quickly. Of course he came running, and by that time, the kicking had stopped. However, within just a couple of minutes, Max started right back up again. So we both witness the first kicks, the first breaths, and now, the first rolls! Hopefully we will be able to share many, many more special moments with our son! The video below is not the first roll, but the second. Of course we weren't videoing when the big moment actually happened, but as soon as it did, I grabbed the video camera in case we got some more action. Luckily, he decided to show off a little bit more!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Max at Two Months

Our sleeping angel!

Max and Aunt Sue

Max with Aunt Francis and Uncle Nicolas

Max obviously likes his Aunt Francis!

Max and Grandma

I can't believe Max is already two months old! He is already growing up too fast! He went for his two month appointment with the pediatrician on Thursday and the doctor was very pleased with his development so far. Max is hitting all his milestones and growing at a very healthy weight. He weighed 14 lbs. 7 oz. and was 24 inches long. He is in the 95th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height among children his age. Max also had to get his first round of shots on Thursday, but Mark said he did really well. He cried a little (Max that is, not Mark, although Mark said he wanted to also!) but got over it pretty quickly. Since I had to start back to work on Monday, Mark had to take Max to the doctor by himself on Thursday.

Because I had to start back to work, this week has been tough on all of us! Max had to start daycare, which has been okay. Mark and I both have struggled with leaving him with other people, but we console ourselves with the fact that he is not there all day long, like some kids are. I get up with Max in the morning and feed him. Then I get Mark up and I get ready for school. From that point on, Mark takes care of Max until he has to go to work at 11, so Max doesn't go to daycare until about 10:30 or so. Then, I pick him up after I get out of school. The daycare is less than two minutes from where Mark works, so we go by and see him on our way home everyday. It's not a bad routine really; it's just trying to get used to another new routine!

Max is really doing great! He got to go to Summerville for the first time a couple of weeks ago and meet more of the family. He got to see his Mimi and grandpa and Great-Grandmother again and got to meet his Great Grandfather, his great great Aunt Francis and Uncle Nicolas, his Aunt Sue and Uncle Bob and cousin Levi, and his Uncle Gary. Aunt Pat came up to Mom's to see him, but since she had been around sick people, she just stood outside of the storm door and I held up Max so she could see him. Aunt Sue ordered us a bunch of cloth diapers and I have finally gotten then all washed and ready to go, so Max will be a cloth diaper baby now, which we are very excited about! Sorry to those of you we didn't get to see! We will be back before too long and hopefully we will get to see more of you! He handled traveling and meeting new people pretty well, although after two days, I could tell he was ready to go home! I guess we all are ready to go home after a few days away though! And by the way, a big, big THANK YOU to Dee Clark for the travel swing! Max really likes to sleep in his swing at home, and I don't know what we would have done when we stayed at Mom's if we didn't have it!

Overall, Max is such a wonderful baby. He smiles a lot and likes to play (as much as a baby his age can play). He likes to swing his arms around and kick his legs all over the place! He coos and gurgles and makes all kinds of cute sounds now. He likes to be sung to and to listen to music. He also is very strong! He holds his head up really well and turns it from side to side pretty well too. He stands himself up in our laps. You can tell he really thinks he is something when he does that! We look forward to new developments and all the changes that await us in the future! Our house is always a mess, the dishes are dirty in the sink, and no one but Max has clean clothes, but we love it. We are so very blessed. Max has brought such joy and happiness into our lives. The days are so hectic and we are always exhausted, but I pray for these days to last! I know they will be over all too soon!