Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Max...Our Growing Boy

He looks so grown up! We took this picture yesterday.

Mark was imitating Max's sporadic antics

Max is 3 weeks old! I can't believe we have made it this far! I haven't posted much, but Max is a lot harder to take care of now that he's on the outside! We have all started to get in the swing of things. I am still really tired, but it's been fun. There are no more Grandmas now, and Mark has gone back to work, so this week was tough and tiring - but we made it! Max is eating well and constantly growing. At his one week appointment, he was already 9 lbs. 3 oz. He doesn't have another appointment for another week and a half, so we will have an other update then. He doesn't like sleeping on his own, so he ends up sleeping on either me or Mark at times. However, he is getting better and better at sleeping in the bassinet. We think he has acid reflux, so I have been trying to monitor my diet to make sure I am not making it worse. We also got a wedge for him to sleep on that seems to be helping some. Hopefully this will continue to improve. Max changes everyday, so I just tried to post a lot of pictures to get up to date. I will try to update more regularly from now on, but with Max around, there are not guarantees!

Max loves to sleep on us. He likes it way better than sleeping in his bassinet!

Max with Uncle Todd.

Max was asleep like this and I couldn't help snapping a picure! He looks like he is just so tuckered out!
Sometimes when Max is having trouble going to sleep, Mark rocks him to sleep. Mark is becoming quite the rocking expert!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Welcome Baby Max!

We finally have officially met our new baby! Mark Thomas Lawrence, Jr., called "Max," was born August 7, 2009 at 6:16 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long. He was strong and healthy from the beginning, kicking and screaming! We spent two days in the hospital. We arrived home Sunday afternoon and have been enjoying it ever since.

The first picture of Max with his mom.

Max's first picture with Daddy!

Our week 39 belly pictures, taken Thursday night before Max was born.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

38 Weeks and Counting

The countdown is really on! We were 38 weeks on Thursday. I had another doctor's appointment on Friday, but we had not made any more progress; we are still 1 cm dilated and about 70% effaced. We have another appointment on Tuesday to see if we have made any more progress. Our doctor is going out of town from August 9 - 15, which is prime baby time for us, so we will be discussing the option of induction.

School starts back for me on Monday, so I am really looking forward to going back to work! My feet and ankles are swelling like crazy and my back has developed these lovely shooting pains, which Mark was so kind as to photograph for your viewing pleasure!

The waiting has become extraordinarily difficult, so Mark and I have begun a project: an incredibly difficult puzzle - probably the hardest puzzle that I have ever tried to put together. We wanted to make sure we got one that would take us a while and that would be difficult enough to take our mind off of things. Well, we definitely go that, and a whole lot more!

Antoher interesting development has been the onset of cravings. I haven't really experienced very many cravings, with the exception of a general craving for fruits and vegetables throughout most of my pregnancy. However, starting just a few days ago, I have been having cravings for very specific things. The other day I wanted chicken salad, then it was strawberries and kiwis, and now it is brunswick stew! I thought you were supposed to have cravings early in pregnancy, but I guess it's the opposite for me!

So, the belly continues to grow and the baby keeps getting stronger! Hopefully one day very soon we will all get to meet Baby Lawrence!