Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, August 1, 2009

38 Weeks and Counting

The countdown is really on! We were 38 weeks on Thursday. I had another doctor's appointment on Friday, but we had not made any more progress; we are still 1 cm dilated and about 70% effaced. We have another appointment on Tuesday to see if we have made any more progress. Our doctor is going out of town from August 9 - 15, which is prime baby time for us, so we will be discussing the option of induction.

School starts back for me on Monday, so I am really looking forward to going back to work! My feet and ankles are swelling like crazy and my back has developed these lovely shooting pains, which Mark was so kind as to photograph for your viewing pleasure!

The waiting has become extraordinarily difficult, so Mark and I have begun a project: an incredibly difficult puzzle - probably the hardest puzzle that I have ever tried to put together. We wanted to make sure we got one that would take us a while and that would be difficult enough to take our mind off of things. Well, we definitely go that, and a whole lot more!

Antoher interesting development has been the onset of cravings. I haven't really experienced very many cravings, with the exception of a general craving for fruits and vegetables throughout most of my pregnancy. However, starting just a few days ago, I have been having cravings for very specific things. The other day I wanted chicken salad, then it was strawberries and kiwis, and now it is brunswick stew! I thought you were supposed to have cravings early in pregnancy, but I guess it's the opposite for me!

So, the belly continues to grow and the baby keeps getting stronger! Hopefully one day very soon we will all get to meet Baby Lawrence!

1 comment:

  1. You look wonderful! You hide your misery very well! I too have not had any cravings throughout the pregnancy, other than things that I would normally crave, lol! I wonder if I will have a late onset of cravings too??

    I think about you two each day! Can't wait to hear the good news!
